Have you ever done something that seemed scary at first but was actually safe, practical, and fun?
I was descending from the peak in the steep snowfield on a recent winter mountain hike. I was VERY slow. My heart was pounding, and my mind was full of fearful thoughts. "Can I put my foot here?" "What if I fall?" "I wish it was over already!"
Then I remembered the technique: you RUN down the snowfield, digging your hills first in the snow, gliding a bit.
It FEELS dangerous. But it's actually relatively safe compared to fearful slow descend. It's easier to fall and make a mistake if you are TOO slow and fearful. Not to mention all the anxiety you have to endure through your slowness.
I pushed through and started to run downhill. Seconds later, I was smiling broadly, enjoying the fresh winter air and aliveness, which courage had brought me. I was down in a minute.
Many things in our lives are a bit like this descent. An action that would spare us time, energy, and joy often looks scary. So we end up doing nothing or nothing much.
But once we dare to make the first step and start running, our hearts fill with excitement, confidence, and fulfillment.
Where would you like to take a courageous action?